
Episode 3x10 Dirt Nap Plot Outline

Airs: January 21, 2008

Sammy waves the gun and promises the scum mass a case of rum for Michael's head. T-bag convinces Brad Bellick to challenge and eliminate Lechero's rivaling ex-lieutenant Sammy, using the acetone-trick he saw him cheat with in his first bare-knuckle fight, promising a place in the escape, but his acetone stash is empty. Linc and Sofia buy a bomb. Sammy abandons his winning fight against Bellick when told scum has found Michael, who hides with Mahone behind the combination door; Michael has to let Sammy in to save Whistler, but cleverly tricks him into burying himself in a tunnel collapse, alas thus compromising that escape route. Gretchen tells Sucré she is on to him and traced the check she paid him with which he transferred to her Chicago address, so now he's blackmailed by Gretchen for Maricruz's life. Sofia believes Whistler the Gary Miller fake identity is his plan for the two of them to live in France, Linc tells Michael who isn't surprised and has a new escape plan.

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