
Episode 3x08 Bang and Burn

Original Air Date: 12 November 2007

Linc tell Michael they get 4 more days. Susan/Gretchen is told by her big Company boss to end the case today; she tells James to take everybody out at 5PM but kill Schofield while a whole team prepares a Company operation. Sofia answers Whistler's phone from his landlord, there gets his papers; Susan turns up and tells her to leave. Lechero sends door key codes by T-bag, then joins Michael and Whistler (who brought a knife to kill Michael but dumps it) into a tunnel site, only fit to go up. Linc and Sucre rent a wood cabin. Michael begs McGrady to make his birthday-visiting old pa phone Linc "don't come home for dinner". Susan orders everyone who contacts Linc killed, while Sofia tells him James is a fake name and a dangerous man; the Company men fail, Linc shoots one who held Sofia at gun-point. Mahone testifies but sounds loony. The brothers realize the Company doesn't need them anymore, they'll come in for Whistler. Indeed, a helicopter come pick up Whistler by rope-ladder, Michael manages to grab his body but falls off and is lined-up with the other prisoners and singled out as trouble-maker, to be removed from Sona... After his poor performance, Mahone is also sent back.

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